Welcome to EO-Info, our login and information portal for Clients.
Scroll down to learn more about the Employees Only
commitment to exceptional client service.
Client Alert
This space will be used to alert clients to important updates from Employees Only. Be sure to check back often.
TIP: If you haven’t done so already, please Bookmark this page or add to your Favorites.
Message from the President
Hear directly from Employees Only President Mario Apruzzese.
Commitment to Client Satisfaction
“We listen to and value our clients and are committed to creating a world-class service delivery model. Please download our commitment to customer service pledge below. If for some reason we aren’t meeting your needs, please let me know by completing the short survey to the right. Thank you and I look forward to serving your needs.”
-Mario Apruzzese, President of Employees Only
Client Satisfaction Survey
“Tell me how our Client Management Team is doing. Please take a few minutes to complete my client satisfaction survey. Results will be sent directly to me and can be anonymous if you like. You can also contact me directly. I thank you in advance for your time and feedback.”
-Mario Apruzzese, President Employees Only
Available Client Resources
Scroll down to access Client Forms, details about our Service Excellence Award, download our 2018 Calendar or to Contact Us directly.
Client Forms
Here you will find links to downloable documents. Note that the page is password protected. You can use your old Client Forms password to login. Otherwise, please contact your Client Relationship Manager for the password.

Service Excellence Award
Did you receive great customer service from your Client Relationship Manager? If so, let us know because we plan to giveaway a $100 gift certificate at the end of the year to both the Client Relationship Manager as well as their client partner. The more nominations, the better your chances of winning.

Employees Only 2018 Calendar
Download our 2018 calendar which contains key contact information for Employees Only.

Contact Us
If you need to get in contact with your Service Representative, please call 248.276.0950 or complete the form below.
805 Oakwood Drive Suite 100
Rochester, MI 48307