Employees Only Frequently Asked Questions
Click on an icon below to visit the corresponding section. Don’t see your answer, submit your question. To do so, visit our Contact Us page.
- How do I get in touch with my Service Team Representative?
You can call us at 248.276.0950. Any member of our Service Team will be able to assist you.
- What do I do in the event an employee is injured while on the job, is on restrictions or if I have questions or concerns related to the employee?
Please call us immediately at 248.276.0950. Our Service Team will advise you on the appropriate course of action.
- Where can I access important documents related to payroll, benefits, worksite injury, DARWIN, etc?
Client related documents and communications can be accessed via our EO-Info section of the website for Clients. You can access by clicking on Clients within the Login link at the top of the page or by going directly to www.employeesonly.net/clients/
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- I have questions, who do I contact?
You can call us at 248.276.0950. Any member of our Service Team will be able to assist you. We can answer your questions related to payroll, benefits, work assignment or just about anything else related to be an employee.
- Do you provide any online resources to help me with my benefits, payroll, download forms or anything else related to being an employee?
Yes we do! Employee related documents and communications can be accessed via our EO-Info section of the website for Employees. You can access by clicking on Employees within the Login link at the top of the page or by going directly to www.employeesonly.net/EO-Info/Employees.
- What kind of benefits are available?
Our benefit offerings range from health/dental/vision to investment options such as 401k. We also offer ancillary benefits such as Employee Assistance Programs and pre-paid Legal services. Because we utilize group benefit plans, we are able to obtain the best prices possible in addition to some of the best benefit packages around.
- Can you help me learn more about 401(K)?
Yes we can. We’ve put together a quick overview about 401(K) options in a simple question and answer format. View it here.
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HR Outsourcing
- Why do other businesses outsource the function of human resources?
There is no one size fits all answer. We work with clients every day who outsource part of all of their human resources needs to Employees Only. Some of the reasons they give include being able to offer better benefits to their employees, there is a need to save money by not having on-staff a full-time employee (or employees) dedicated to human resources, sometimes there are needs that arise that simply need a subject matter expert or that business owners just don’t want to be bothered with the day-to-day management of people (they would rather focus on their core business).
- What functions of my business should I outsource?
Outsourcing isn’t the answer for everything. You certainly wouldn’t outsource the elements that make up your core business (ex. if you are a shoe maker, you wouldn’t outsource the design of your next great shoe). However, there are some operational/back office tasks that make perfect sense to let an industry expert take over. These tasks include things like payroll, human resource management, benefits administration, recruiting, taxes, business insurance and workers compensation.
- Would outsourcing offer cost savings or increased efficiency for my company?
Absolutely! Working with a company like Employees Only would provide you not only access to the best HR technology around but also access to a team of Human Resource Subject Matter Experts. Your company would then be backed by a team of HR Experts and you only pay a fraction of the cost compared to what it would cost to have a team of HR Experts on-staff (and these costs don’t include costs associated to the HR technology that you would need).
- How come you don’t hear more about companies outsourcing the f unction of human resources?
This is a tough question to answer. Outsourcing in general is not something many people like to talk about. Not to mention, business owners might be reluctant to let go of the day-to-day-management of one of their most precious resources, the people that work for and support their company.
- Where can I learn more about outsourcing human resources functions?
Visit our Resources page. We have compiled information about outsourcing human resources and we present this information in the form of white papers, blog posts, 1-page overviews and other engaging formats. All are designed to give you the best information possible to determine whether or not outsourcing human resources is an option for your company (and if you decide contract with Employees Only, we’d love to make you part of our family of happy clients).
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About Employees Only
- What does Employees Only do?
Employees Only provides Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) solutions consisting of a combination of Professional Employee Outsourcing (PEO), Employee Leasing and/or Administrative Solution Outsourcing (ASO). We work with business owners, HR Managers and company Presidents who are frustrated with administrative tasks that do not create revenue, are tired of managing benefits and employee issues and are interested in making improvements in their organization that result in increased profit.
- Can I follow Employees Only on Social Media?
Of course you can. We would love it if you followed us on one or all of the below social channels or subscribed to our newsletter.
- Who are your competitors?
Our competitors range from small local companies to large national companies. In addition, there are niche companies who focus on certain areas of human resources management such as recruiting or providing benefits. At Employees Only, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop capable of supporting organizations from 3 to 3000 employees. And the best part is that we are only a phone call away from having your human resources question answered.
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